Thursday, September 29, 2022

Class Update - September 29th

Hola a todos,

I hope you all had a good week. This week we dedicated some time to learn more about the impact of residential schools across Canada, the importance of Orange T-Shirt Day and what actions can we take to reconcile and live in harmony. Students had multiple opportunities to engage in traditional ways of knowing and doing. 

This Week in Review

  • ELAL – We reviewed the vocabulary of the first chapters of Amal Unbound by Aisha Saaed, including Urdu words.
  • Math – We finished looking at place value up to a million.
  • Social and Art – We examined histories related to the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation and completed a collaborative art work with Sra. Dominguez´s class.
  • Science – We learnt about the different factors that influence weather and started looking at air temperature indoor and outdoor.
  • Spanish – We finished the first draft of our autobiography.

Next week we will continue learning about our people and making connections to the land. 

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