Thursday, September 22, 2022

September 22 Update

¡Hola Familias!

This Week in Review

  • ELAL – We started the study of the novel Amal Unbound by Aisha Saaed.
  • Math – We did a math challenge about number sense and place value.
  • Social – We worked on latitude and longitude using Google Earth while mapping Canada.
  • Science – We learned more about the three main climate zones, tropical, temperate and artic, and sub-types.
  • Spanish – We are practicing different uses of the verb ESTAR (to be) in present tense.

Terry Fox Donations
Please consider donate online to the Terry Fox Foundation. There is a QR code on the donation sheet that was sent home. We did an excellent job raising fund for this worthy cause last year and we want to continue to support Terry Fox organization. As a school, we are hoping to raise $4000.00 this year. We have already achieved half of our goal!

September 26 – Terry Fox Run
September 27 – Picture Day
September 29 – Orange T-Shirt Day
September 30 – No School / National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

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