Friday, September 9, 2022

September 9th Update

 Feliz viernes a todas las familias!

Today, we had our Welcome Back assembly -the first one in the last three years! KUDOS to all of the students who volunteered to read the Land Acknowledgement and to be on stage doing the chicken dance. Thank you all for showing your best behaviour.

This week in review:

  • ELA – Adjectives
  • Math – Place value up to a hundred thousands (standard form and expanded form)
  • Social Studies – Canadian provinces and capital cities
  • Science – Difference between weather and climate
  • Spanish – Oral practice of the verb “SER” (to be)


Terry Fox Donation sheets went home this week. Please donate online, there is a QR code on the donation sheet. We did an excellent job raising fund for this worthy cause last year and we want to continue to support Terry Fox organization.

  • September 22/23 – Parent/Teacher Conferences 
  • September 26 - Terry Fox run
  • September 27 – Picture Day
  • September 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

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