Friday, April 28, 2023

Class Update - April 28

¡Hola familias!

Espero que todos hayan tenido una excelente semana. I hope you all had an excellent week.


๐ŸŽถ Quรฉ Pasa! May 2 - Reminders

  • T-shirt was sent home. Please, wash it before you wear it. Last chance to change the size is Monday, May 1st.
  • Wear dark bottoms
  • Bring your own lunch


  • ๐Ÿ”ข Math: We finished the measurement unit learning about capacity (L & mL). 
  • ๐Ÿ’ƒ Spanish: Students are writing a recipe of their favourite dish. 
  • ๐Ÿ“š English: Students kept working on their biography. 
  • ๐Ÿ Social Studies: Students wrote a position statement regarding the British settlement in Canada.
  • ๐Ÿ Science: Students presented the findings of the world of wetlands
  • ๐Ÿคธ Physical Education: Mission Impossible is over! 
  • ๐ŸŒฎ Food Truck Challenge: Students are working on the design of the truck, menu and recipes. The food trucks will be part of the Truck Town, a city students will be building.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Class Update - April 25

  ¡Hola familias!

Espero que todos estรฉn disfrutando del buen clima. I hope you are enjoying the weather


Math Contest Tomorrow! Sponsored by Mount Royal University. April 26, 2023.


๐ŸŽถ Quรฉ Pasa! May 2 - Thanks to all who have sent the field trip form and the pick-up survey.


  • ๐Ÿ”ข Math: We are looking at how to measure capacity (L & mL). 
  • ๐Ÿ’ƒ Spanish: Students are learning about how to give instructions using the imperative verbs and made predictions of the book we will be reading this week "How to cultivate tomatoes." We learned new vocabulary related to the book. 
  • ๐Ÿ“š English: Students are drafting their biography. They continued with the sixth week of the Literacy Circle. Some groups will start the last round of literacy circles.
  • ๐Ÿ Social Studies: Students wrote a letter from the perspective of a member from the Loyalist. 
  • ๐Ÿ Science: Students research about wetlands in Canada and around the world and will be presenting the similarities and differences of the assigned wetland
  • ๐Ÿคธ Physical Education: Mission Impossible is on! 
  • ๐ŸŒฎ Food Truck Challenge: To practice area and perimeter students are developing a food truck business, including design of the truck, menu and recipes.

Information about Quรฉ Pasa!

 Dear Grade 5 families,

Please see the two reminders for our big event next Tuesday, May 2 at the jubilee:

1. At this time there are over 600 unsold tickets for Que Pasa.  These will all go on sale 10:00 am today, April 25th and families will be able to purchase additional tickets through Ticketmaster.  In order to purchase tickets, families must create a Ticketmaster Account. Details about how to create an account and purchase tickets are available at the following link


2. It was decided that the outfits for the concert will be simple.  Since the children are at the Jubilee for the whole day, the decision was made to have the children wear dark bottoms and a Dalhousie shirt which will be loaned to your child by the school.  Wearing these shirts will give us a uniformity but also will help other adults in the Jubilee identify our students, should any issues arise. Each child will bring home a white shirt with the Dalhousie logo on Friday.  If you could please put it in the laundry and have your child wear the shirt to school on Tuesday May 2nd along with black pants/skirt.  We also kindly ask if you could wash the shirt before returning it to the school that same week.

Thank you,

Dalhousie School

Friday, April 21, 2023

Class Update - April 21

 ¡Hola familias!

Espero que todos hayan tenido una excelente semana.


Math Contest: Sponsored by Mount Royal University. April 26, 2023.


๐ŸŽถ Quรฉ Pasa! May 2 - Thanks to all who have sent the field trip form and the pick-up survey.


  • ๐Ÿ”ข Math: We learned about volume (m3 & cm3). We built a 1 m3 cube.
  • ๐Ÿ’ƒ Spanish: Students are learning about the imperative mode and how to give order or write instructions. 
  • ๐Ÿ“š English: Students organized their research and will start their writing next. They continued with the fifth week of the Literacy Circle.
  • ๐Ÿ Social Studies: Students learned about the British influence in Canada and how the competition between the Hudson Bay and the North West Company led to the exploration of the West. 
  • ๐Ÿ Science: Students looked at the living and non-living things and the interaction of them in a wetlands ecosystem.
  • ๐ŸŽจ Art: Students are drawing self-portraits inspired in Frida Kahlo. 
  • ๐Ÿคธ Physical Education: We have started our movement unit. This week, students worked on balance. A friendly reminder to please dress appropriately for doing gymnastic.
  • ๐ŸŒŽ Earth Day: We read the book "Be Good Ancestor." Students reflect upon the book by writing their book page. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

Class Update - April 14

 ¡Hola familias!

Espero que todos hayan tenido una excelente semana.


Math Contest: Sponsored by Mount Royal University. April 26, 2023.


๐ŸŽถ Quรฉ Pasa! May 2 - Thanks to all who have sent the field trip form. If you haven't done so, please return the form by Monday, April 17. Also, a survey has been sent regarding your pick up plans for that day.


  • ๐Ÿ”ข Math: We learned about length, area and perimeter (m, cm and mm).
  • ๐Ÿ’ƒ Spanish: Students are learning about the imperative mode and how to give order or write instructions. 
  • ๐Ÿ“š English: Students made a timeline about the life of a famous woman. The purpose of the timeline is to help them organize their research. They continued with the fourth week of the Literacy Circle.
  • ๐Ÿ Social Studies: Students learned about the Fur Trade and researched on the life of the Voyageur vs Coureurs du Bois. 
  • ๐Ÿ Science: We started our Wetlands unit. Students did a presentations about the different types of wetlands.
  • ๐ŸŽจ Art: Students completed a group poster inspired in Joan Mirรณ (see picture below).
  • ❤️‍๐Ÿฉน Wellness: Students discussed and completed an activity about fairness and equity. 
  • ๐Ÿคธ Physical Education: We have started our movement unit. This week, students worked on balance. A friendly reminder to please dress appropriately for doing gymnastic.

April 14 - School Update

 Yearbook: Deadline to purchase a yearbook is Friday, April 28. The cost is $21. If you want to purchase additional books per student, please contact the office  It is an optional purchase and can be paid for through your MyCBE account.

With the change in weather conditions, please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for the weather and any changes in weather.  Additionally, please send an extra change of clothes with your child to school to be kept in their backpack.  This should include a top, a bottom, change of socks and underwear.  Recess and lunch is a great opportunity for fun and play in the snow and slush, resulting in wet clothing. The office has a very limited supply of clothes.  Thank you for helping us keeping your child happy and dry.

We are so excited to have parent volunteers back in the classrooms! Please ensure your police clearance has been correctly uploaded prior to signing up for one of the many volunteer opportunities. If you are unsure of your status please reach out to our lovely office team who will be more than happy to assist you with this process.

Monday, April 17th - New Principal Day! Please welcome Sr. Jeff Belcher to Dalhousie! 

Friday, April 21st -Earth Day – students to dress in Earth tones and classes will participate in earth friendly activities.


Dalhousie Parent Society News – check out our website for all this info and more! – email us if you have questions about anything!

Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages as well! Search for Dalhousie Parent Society – tell your friends and fellow parents to give us a follow!



Family Fiesta will be returning to Dalhousie this June! We are searching for donations for our silent auction, so if you know of any businesses or individuals who would like to donate, please contact us at

We will be needing lots of volunteers to help out on the day of fiesta, so please watch out for the sign up genius link as we get closer to the date!



Check out the sign up if you are interested in becoming part of the playground committee!

Volunteer here!



Volunteers need to have police clearance to volunteer for fun lunch, please email if you would like us to confirm. 

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!  We have some spots from now until the end of the year. Sign up here

If your child will be absent and you‘ve already ordered fun lunch please email before 11:00am and let us know if you’d like to:-Pick up the order from the office after 12:30pm-Donate it to the amazing Dalhousie staff-Have it sent home with a siblingUpcoming dates:

April 18 – Mucho Burrito

April 26 – Fat Burger

May 2 - Boston Pizza

May 10 - Tim Horton’s

Thursday, April 6, 2023

April 6 - Class Update

 ¡Hola familias!

Espero que todos hayan tenido un excelente descanso durante estas vacaciones de primavera ๐ŸŒท. Otro fin de semana largo para disfrutar el buen clima y descansar.


Minecraft Challenge: Grade 5 will be participating in Level Up Calgary! Deadline to submit the challenge is April 10. All the information about the challenges, rubric and how to record the video in Flip have been posted on Google Classroom.

Math Contest: Sponsored by Mount Royal University. April 26, 2023.


๐ŸŽถ Quรฉ Pasa! May 2 - Please read the letter that was sent home and return it by Tuesday, April 11. 


  • ๐Ÿ”ข Math: We started the unit of measurement, looking at length (m, cm and mm).
  • ๐Ÿ’ƒ Spanish: Students are learning about the imperative mode. 
  • ๐Ÿ“š English: Students continued researching about a woman that has made impact in history or any field of their interest. They continued with the third week of the Literacy Circle.
  • ๐Ÿ Social Studies: Students learned about the Early European Settlers in North America and the creation of New France. 
  • ๐ŸŽจ Art: Students completed a group poster inspired in Joan Mirรณ. 
  • ❤️‍๐Ÿฉน Wellness: Students learned about healthy relationships, focusing on frienship. 

April 4 - School Update

A reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Friday, April 7 and Monday, April 10. We look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday, April 11.

Our next parent Society meeting is on April 12 via Teams. Everyone is welcome. We hope to see you there!  Link and password will be sent out to parents on Wednesday morning. 

Our movement unit will start on April 11. Please see the separate email sent out regarding appropriate clothing and safety precautions.