Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Class Update - April 25

  ¡Hola familias!

Espero que todos estén disfrutando del buen clima. I hope you are enjoying the weather


Math Contest Tomorrow! Sponsored by Mount Royal University. April 26, 2023.


🎶 Qué Pasa! May 2 - Thanks to all who have sent the field trip form and the pick-up survey.


  • 🔢 Math: We are looking at how to measure capacity (L & mL). 
  • 💃 Spanish: Students are learning about how to give instructions using the imperative verbs and made predictions of the book we will be reading this week "How to cultivate tomatoes." We learned new vocabulary related to the book. 
  • 📚 English: Students are drafting their biography. They continued with the sixth week of the Literacy Circle. Some groups will start the last round of literacy circles.
  • 🍁 Social Studies: Students wrote a letter from the perspective of a member from the Loyalist. 
  • 🐍 Science: Students research about wetlands in Canada and around the world and will be presenting the similarities and differences of the assigned wetland
  • 🤸 Physical Education: Mission Impossible is on! 
  • 🌮 Food Truck Challenge: To practice area and perimeter students are developing a food truck business, including design of the truck, menu and recipes.

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