Friday, January 20, 2023

Class Update - January 20

Hola familias,

  • 🔢 Math: We have finalized rotation of geometric shapes. We learned how to rotate the shape from different points of rotations and how to describe the rotation, indicating the direction, the point of rotation and the fraction. Next, will be reflections.
  • 💃 Spanish: We rolled out our "Centros de Lectura de Escritura" (Literacy Centres). Students are reading, practicing reading comprehension strategies, and adverbs.
  • 📚 English: We started guided reading and reviewed the different roles that students Literacy Circles.
  • 🔬 Science: We continued with the unit about chemistry. Students learned how to separate mixtures of solids through different methods (magnets, water, by hand, using sieves). Next week, they will learn about separation of solids and liquids.
  • 🔎 Social Studies: We quickly review how to analyze historical artifacts such as documents and pictures. This skills will help us to critically examine the ways of life of Indigenous Peoples in Canada
  • 🏀 Physical Education and Wellness: We played different games using the Omnikin ball. That was quite fun! 

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