Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Class Update - January 24


Reading Party is coming up this Friday, January 27th - Gear up to share about your favourite book. 

Don't forget about the Open House at Senator Patrick Burns on February 2.

AND the field trip to skiing/snowboarding on February 1.


  • πŸ”’ Math: We reviewed reflection of geometric shapes. We learned how to draw a reflection from the mirror line and how to describe the position and orientation of the reflected imaged. We will finalize the unit with a project. 
  • πŸ’ƒ Spanish: We rolled out our "Centros de Lectura y Escritura" (Literacy Centres). Students are reading, practicing reading comprehension strategies, and adverbs.
  • πŸ“š English: We started guided reading and reviewed the different roles that students Literacy Circles. We continue with poetry writing. Students have written Couples, Limericks and Haikus. They will complete the unit with Triplets, Quatrains, Cinquains and Acrostic poems.
  • πŸ”¬ Science: We will continue with the unit about chemistry. Students will learn about mixtures of solids and liquids, dissolving solids in liquids, separating suspensions and solutions, and mixture of liquids. A short quiz is scheduled for January 31st.
  • πŸ”Ž Social Studies: We will critically examine the ways of life of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. 
  • πŸ€ Physical Education and Wellness: We played different games using the Omnikin ball. That was quite fun! 

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